Monday, June 2, 2008

Making progress!

Okay well first thing is first! A little introduction is in order. Chris and I finally settled in on a name for Baby G! We are pleased to announce:
Kaylee Bria Grau!
Her name definitely suits her..Kaylee means Spunky and Bria is Irish for Strong. She is both very strong and spunky even in the womb as you have been reading.

Chris and and I also made some progress on Kaylee's nursery.
We got the walls primed and plan on getting paint on the walls next weekend.
Now if only we can find a crib and the rest of the stuff:-/
I posted some pictures on my picasa gallery if you want to check them out there.
I will be adding to them as we progress further.

We also went to the beach on Sunday evening to take pictures of the sunset and
get a walk in. It was such nice weather and the sunset was lovely.
Kaylee seems to be calmed by the sound of the ocean.
I included a picture that Chris took..It came out so nice.


toddler said...

I also really like that pic. Wish I would have thought of that :)