Wednesday, May 28, 2008

22 Weeks

Okay so Chris and I are slowly...sloooowwwwlllyyy beginning to work on the nursery. I think we have a theme for sure now. Its going to be Ocean. I was supposed to prime the walls this week and we bought the paint over the weekend (it was on sale at Home Depot). Unfortunately things keep creeping up and getting in the way. So I am hoping to get the show on the road next week finally.

Chris and I went shopping for a crib over the holiday weekend as well. Only to be disappointed.
We had gone out the weekend before and found a crib we both liked but before buying it we wanted to do some research to make sure this little one was going to be safe. The good news is the cribs reviews were great!! Unfortunately when we went back to buy it ALL of that particular brand of cribs were removed from the floor. I asked the sales clerk what the deal was, only to find out that brand wasn't exactly recalled but they were doing some kind of testing on the cribs and they were not allowed to be sold until testing was done *sigh*
So we went to pick out another crib. We searched the show room floor for a while and went back and forth on a couple different cribs. Settled on one we both like only to be told it could not be ordered because the warehouse was low on that crib *blank stares* uhh okay. I later found out that it was an in store purchase only and couldn't be ordered online. Back to square one I guess.

This little one has been incredibly active and on most days she actually has her own little schedule. I can already tell she is going to be just like her Daddy. She keeps me up late at night moving and bumping around and wakes up early to do the same. She is on Chris's schedule..late to bed, early to rise. Although I read somewhere they sleep like 16 hours a day. I am not convinced of this yet. Oh and she doesn't like bells! First there was the Padres Rally Bell that startled her. Over the weekend we were driving somewhere and listening to the radio and there was another loud gong...poor thing was startled again.

I had my usual once a month pre natal appointment today. I have one more monthly appointment and then they start with the every two week appointments! YIKES! This pregnancy is going sooooo fast! The Doctor wants to schedule the gestational diabetes test for the next appointment - bleh! really not looking forward to that and I thought it was further off but nope:-/ *gulp* Chris says he would happily drink the sugary substance if he had to hehe..if only that were the case. The Doctor once again mentioned that the ultrasound results came back with flying colors and our little peanut looks perfect! She also said I am the perfect pregnant woman (her words not mine)..although I will take them! hehe. Oh and my due date is back to Sept 29th so we shall see what happens. Its not that far off from Oct 2nd so I wont change any of my tickers or anything for now.

Update on Baby G -
Baby G is now 10.95 inches and almost a full 1 pound already(430 g)! The size of a spaghetti squash.
Fingernails have grown to the end of the finger tips. And her muscles are getting stronger every week. Eyelids and eyebrows are fully developed now.

She can now easily hear your conversations more clearly than before!. When you talk, read, or sing, expect her to hear you. And since she responds to sound, rhythm and melody, when you sing and talk to her now, those same sounds will soothe her after she is born.

She now has her own sense of balance and her acrobats are pretty constant. This little explorers balance also promotes physical dexterity, which has her actively feeling out her surroundings where skin, body parts, and the resident umbilical cord are the big sensory experiences.

This week, your baby’s brain is rapidly developing, as the neurons are firing away, making new connections. The brain will expand until she reaches the age of five!

The sense of sight is also getting more developed. She can now perceive light and dark much better than before (even with those fused eyelids).