Friday, March 14, 2008

week 11

Yay just ONE more week in the first trimester! this time is just flying by right now. I am still not sleeping very well at night and feeling exhausted all day long. Last night I woke up with really bad back pain, which I hear is normal and right on time. Apparently the body starts producing something called relaxin that allows the hips to widen to make room for baby G. And that causes the pain in the back.
I had to give up on wearing my normal jeans cause they were just getting to tight and uncomfortable to wear. I broke down and bought some maternity jeans because I needed to
be comfortable and needed something to wear besides pajama pants all day hehe.
well thats the update on for the update on baby G.

The baby at 11 weeks
Your baby continues to grow and is now approximately the size of a large lime! The weight of the fetus is approximately 8 grams at this point. The growth of your baby is phenomenal now and your baby's length will double in the next three weeks.
Your baby's fingernails appear this week! External genitalia are beginning to show distinguishing features and the development of male or female will be complete in three weeks.Your baby's fingers and toes have separated and are getting longer. Your baby can open and close its mouth. You can now hear your baby's heartbeat with a Doppler Ultrasound device! Your baby continues to grow rapidly and has doubled in size in the last three weeks alone. The face is beginning to look more human, and all body structures are present with a few refinements still in progress. All vital organs are formed and, for the most part, function normally. From now on, they will grow in size and efficiency.