Wednesday, March 26, 2008

Updating early

Well I will be traveling to Washington and Oregon this week through the weekend and won't be bringing my computer with me so I figured I would do a quick update early for those of you read this and want your weekly update. There is not a whole lot to report this week..which is good news in my eyes. I have my next prenatal appointment scheduled for this coming Tuesday (April 1st). I am really hoping to actually get to hear Baby G's heartbeat for the first time at this appt. *fingers crossed*. There is one thing that has really caught me off guard about this pregnancy... and it has nothing to do with me. I find that more and more men are asking me about my pregnancy. I guess now that more and more men are getting involved with their wives pregnancies they actually know what they are talking about and are genuinely interested in MY pregnancy hehe. I even find Chris's colleagues who have children of their own are giving us advice on what baby gear to buy or just general baby/pregnancy stuff. I find this amusing really.
Okay well that is enough rambling of my about an update on the ever growing Baby G.

Update on Baby G -
Last week I had said that baby G was now the size of a peach...I was wrong and corrected that.
THIS week Baby G is now the size of a peach. Baby has put on weight too and now weighs 1 ounce (28.3 grams). Evening out with the placenta which also weighs 1 ounce. The baby's intestines are migrating from the umbilical cord into his or her abdomen. The villi are also forming in the intestines, these help in peristaltic movements and digestion. The pancreas of our little one is even secreting insulin! Baby's heart pumps about 25 quarts per day gradually increasing to 300 quarts a day by delivery.

(PS Didnt have time to take a picture of the belly so that will be soon to come)