Sunday, September 7, 2008

37 Weeks - FULL TERM!

Woohoo! After months and months of waiting I have finally reached full term! Kaylee can safely arrive at any time now! And I know most of us are impatiently awaiting her arrival. It's just a matter of weeks—or days. Who knows?

Last week, I had my second non-stress test (NST) on Thursday and it went well. Kaylee is still head down, and low. The fluid around her looks good and the technician showed me her face. She was making fish faces at us—too cute! Her ribcage was moving again, which is a great sign. It means she's practicing breathing. Her heartbeat was perfect. I was still having steady contractions. I hope the contractions were doing something, besides being annoying. I had my regular OB appointment on Friday. My doctor checked Kaylee and me, and I was happy with the news. The contractions are indeed working. She reported to me that I am effaced and Kaylee's head is at +2 station. No wonder I was feeling so much pressure! Unfortunately I was only 1/2 cm dilated. I still need to get to 10 cm—eventually.

This week is going to be hectic. I have five different appointments scheduled. I had an NST on Monday. Everything still looked good. Fluid levels are good, Her heartbeat responds to her movements, which is what the doctors are looking for. I'm still having contractions that are graphed by the machine. Hopefully they are doing something for me. I have another NST scheduled for Thursday, along with an appointment with my obstetrician.

Today I had my appointment with a perinatologist after another ultrasound. Mostly good news to report here. The only "iffy" news is he saw what might be fluid around her heart—or an ultrasound blip. He wants me to return for a follow up appointment in 10 days (if I am still pregnant) to check again. Also, Kaylee is measuring very small for her age. We were told that her size and weight put her at the typical measurement for only 34 weeks—a tiny 5 lbs 6 oz. However, her growth curve is normal. That is, the rate at which she has gained size and weight from the ultrasounds at 19 weeks, 31 weeks, and now at 37 weeks is normal—she's always measured small.

Well, we are finally ready for her arrival. The bags are packed and ready to go. The car seats are now installed in both vehicles. Her nursery is ready for her. All we have to do now is wait.

Update on Kaylee —


Babies at this point are around 6.5 lbs and about 21 inches long. Although, after today we know little Kaylee is only around 5.6 lbs, and probably not that long either.

Changes in her height and weight have leveled off, with only a few ounces of fat added this week and from now on.

As far as internal organs go, they are now developed enough to function in the outside world, although the oh-so-important immune system is still developing and will continue to do so after birth. With a large boost of antibodies provided by breast milk when nursing begins. Fighting infection and staying healthy should be well within her physical capacity when our little fighter is born.

So what's keeping our little one busy while waiting it out until D-day? Practice, practice, practice. Kaylee is simulating breathing by inhaling and exhaling, sucking on her thumb, blinking, and pivoting from side to side—one day I feel her tushy on my left side, another day it has swung around to my right side. All of these are skills needed for her next gig—starring as everyone's favorite newest little family member!