Thursday, April 10, 2008

15 Weeks

I really can't believe I have been pregnant for 15 weeks now. In another 5 weeks this pregnancy will be half over!! Wow!

Another uneventful week has gone by, which is a good thing. I have been feeling more pregnant lately, though. More aches and pains and general discomfort, but nothing really bad. Sleeping has become interesting . . . when I can actually sleep, hehe. They tell you that you are not allowed to sleep on your back or stomach, and I am a stomach sleeper so I had to re-adjust my sleeping habits . . . not an easy task. And oh man, don't get me started on the dreams! Pregnancy dreams are crazy . . . I will leave it at that.

I bought a nice rice pillow type thing that you put in the microwave, and smells like lavender and chamomile, and wraps around your neck and shoulders, and that is pure heaven to me. Very relaxing. You can also put it in the freezer on warm days and cool yourself down pretty nicely . . . I haven't had to use that feature yet.

Oh, I did take a tumble today down the sidewalk . . . I feel so graceful! Picture a hippo ballerina! :-D hehe. I was walking the dogs and it was windy. The doggy bag got away from me in the wind . . . and that happened to scare the dogs, which in turn made them freak out and run in different directions pulling me down . . . yeah I scraped my knee. :-/ But other than feeling like a klutz and feeling a little jarred I am okay.

Anyway enough about me . . .

Update on Baby G -


Baby G now weighs about 2.8 oz (80g) and is about 4.5 inches! Wow getting big! The size of a large onion. Fine hair called lanugo covers the baby which will disappear by time baby is born. Baby's bones now have enough calcium deposits to show on an X-ray. If the baby is female, her ovaries will be in place in her pelvis and more than five million ova (some of which may be fertilized to become your own grandchildren in another generation!) have formed. Although eyelids are still fused shut, baby can sense light. If you shine a flashlight at your tummy, for instance, it is likely to move away from the beam.