Thursday, February 28, 2008

Ladies and Gentlemen...we have a Fetus

Well I had my second prenatal Dr's appt today. They have you come in once a month and as you get closer to the due date the appts start getting closer together until they see you once a week in the last few weeks. Not a whole lot to report, which is a good thing. We mostly discussed my birthing options (traditional VS Midwife delivery). I must say the midwife option sounds more pleasant at the moment. Also talked about different genetic testing and if I was going to be getting them done or not. I also met the OB Dr who will be delivering Baby G if I do stay with this office for the remainder of this pregnancy. She seemed nice enough. Unfortunately this appt did not end well for me. At the first prenatal appt they have you do this huge battery of blood draws and test called a prenatal panel. Basically testing you for everything known to man and to get your blood type...well I had asked what why I had not gotten the results to these labs since they were done over a month ago. I was really curious as to what my blood type was. Well it turns out they had LOST my blood samples!! The blood bank did not even have my name on record anywhere. Well needless to say I have to make ANOTHER trip out of my way to get them re-taken. Now if you know me at know I have a huge needle phobia. I have already been subjected to more than the average needle pokes with this pregnancy than most women have to get. *sigh* I guess I am willing to do anything for this baby...Ahhh a mothers love :-)
The baby at 9 weeks:

The crown-to-rump length of your baby is about 1.25 to 1.68 inches (between 3.1 and 4.2cm). The placenta is now producing progesterone which helps to make nutrients for your developing baby. Your baby has passed the stage when he is most susceptible to damage. By the end of this week, the danger zone for congenital abnormalities has passed. The plan for your baby's body has been completely laid down by now. Further growth and cell division will build on this plan. Taste and tooth buds have appeared. Your baby has recently developed fingers and toes which are now well-formed. Ankles, wrists and the inner ear have formed. Your baby's nose is flat and his eyes are far apart. His eyes, ears, mouth and nose are all recognizable. The tail is disappearing. Your baby is moving around the amniotic sac, and moving his feet and ankles. You still will not be able to feel these movements but you may be able to see them on an ultrasound. Blood is circulating through the arteries and the vein of the umbilical cord. The brain of your baby is developing at a phenomenal rate. About one quarter of a million new neurons are produced every single minute at this stage in your pregnancy. If your baby is a boy, his testes, though they are not even clearly visible, are already producing testosterone. Your baby is no longer called an embryo, but rather a fetus.